Suicide must not be a proof of depression

Most people who committed suicide just wanted themselves to get heard.  Yes, you read it right and I repeat, they just wanted someone to listen to them...that's it. But we were so busy living we couldn't hear our loved one dying. Sorry for the brutality but that's true.


Super-sensitive this, and it’s time we talk about it.
I believe you will connect to this post if you have ever faced prolonged
sadness or depression.

Maybe you have never faced the dark.
And it’s beautiful!

But that doesn’t assure you will never.

Take this as an eye-opener to experience how it feels to be on the other side.
So that you could help the depressed win the battle over their mental miseries.

And the first thing you need to realize is talking about mental health is still a social stigma in most parts of the world. 

It leads to a vicious circle.

The poor sufferers are unable to recognize the mental issues.

They cannot speak up.
Even if few of us do, we are misunderstood.

And the lack of awareness continues…

The unsung battle

There are many people like you and me who are desperate for help.
But people on the other side cannot recognize our seeking.

Mental condition cannot be apparently seen, it is the reason battling depression has become a humongous challenge.

The one suffering does not talk about it, continues to avoid, and as a result, and struggles to the untie the knots to sanity.

The other big reason dejected people keep battling alone is that people don’t comprehend their plight.

Trust me, it takes immense courage for them to make such confessions.

But when they do so, instead of listening and helping them out, your approach to their problems is one of the following:
You present your own worldly problems before them.
You blame them, make fun of their issues.
You don’t take their problems seriously and avoid them.

Even if you advise, those are just your foolish half-cooked philosophies which cause more harm and no good.
And as a result, they sink further.

You might wonder:
Why should I listen to their problems?
I am struggling myself, who will listen to my problems?

Yes you might have many such questions.

Just listen

I can understand… as they are struggling to cope with their challenges, so are you.
But don’t you think, just because you are human and so are they, you should at least listen to them, even if you have no solutions to offer.

When you listen, there are two conditions possible.
Either you have a solution or you don’t.

When you have a solution, do you realize that you are a potential lifesaver?
Yes, you are… Just a couple of good pieces of advice can give them the needed strength to take their problems head-on.
And their approach to problems changes significantly.

And even when you don’t have a solution, at least listen to them and express your concern. They will definitely feel esteemed and wanted.
Trust me, depressed people unburden themselves significantly if you just listen to them patiently. 

What you must realize is:
You must learn to console than to become their self-proclaimed counselors.

But is that happening?

No, it’s not… It’s bizarre that everyone wants to get heard.
Nobody cares about patience to contemplate other’s problems first.

There is no denying the fact that most of us consider our own challenges as the biggest in this world.
As a result, we are not patient enough to listen to others’ problems. 

The bitter truth

It’s getting painful for me to write this.

Do you know most of the people who committed suicide just wanted themselves to get heard? 

Yes, you read it right and I repeat, they just wanted someone to listen to them…that’s it.

But you were so busy living that you couldn’t hear your loved one dying.

After a person commits suicide, how many of us are shell-shocked claiming that he/she was happy yesterday and had no reason to commit suicide?

And how many of us label them as cowards?

But the matter of fact is that you can never know what’s going inside the mind of the depressed person unless the person themselves reveal it.  

We often confuse between sadness and depression but depression is much bigger a problem you can imagine.

And the reason is that the mind doesn’t have an apparent existence.

We call it an act of a coward but tell me, who wants to end their life just like that.

No, please don’t take me wrong.
Neither I am encouraging suicides nor I am supporting the individuals who committed suicide.

I just want you to feel the intensity of their pain which convinced them that life on the other side is better.

What to do?

You might be wondering how to identify people seeking your help?
Well, honestly, this question does not have an answer.
But one thing you can always do is listen to the people who try to talk about mind and related topics.

Always remember, if they seek help from you in any such matters, you need to realize how close they consider you to their heart, the reason they are sharing it with you.

Never break that trust. Listen to them without judgments…that’s it!

I don’t want to be hard on you.
Possibly, your problems might be mighty than theirs.
But then, even you will feel lighter and better just by listening to them.

I am sure you might have experienced that it feels lighter when the other person going through the same suffering shares their problems with you.
You start feeling better because you realize that you are not the only one battling.

Yes, sharing any kind of pain is a pain-reliever for both sides.
Let them share their pain so that you could also unburden yourself. And the pain never converts into suffering.

Sink into minds that depression doesn’t have a face or a mood.
If one gets angry quickly or speaks less, go talk to them.

Trust me, they just need your love.
Stop ignoring your near and dear ones to an extent where they commit suicide to handover a proof of depression.

Now here’s my question to you… Are you tolerant enough to prevent a suicide? 

Bottom line

You never know what’s going inside others’ minds unless they speak about it.
So first of all let’s stop assuming.

Depressed people are so self-absorbed that they cannot feel the outside world.

The state of depression kills the ability to feel, and feel is the key to real happiness.
And that feeling goes missing inside those people.

They might look happy, but happiness is just a mask they are covering their real faces with.

Therefore, never get disguised by others’ smile, you may never get to know the burden of tears they are carrying. 

My dear friend, everyone is struggling one way or the other. Let us keep on moving.
Let us keep on fighting the demons.
Let us not run away from it.

Depression is not a taboo…Talking about it is the need of the hour… Let us stop avoiding it so that again a suicide never becomes a medium of their communication. 





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  1. […] You know… I was all ears in your struggling times. I made you run when you could not stand. I gave you a purpose to fight when you were on the brink of losing. I literally gave you life when you were on the verge of a suicide. […]

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